Enhance your Linked In profile with a few simple improvements. Here are a few simple tips in Part I of my blog posts on this popular social media issue. I will be discussing this in more detail at the Bainbridge Business Connections’ (BBC) meeting on October 31st at OfficeXpats. Join us at 8 am.
1. Check your notification settings first. You want to make your changes and edits for your own audience before you publish to the world. Once you have completed your changes, turn this notification back on. How: Put your cursor over your photo on the far right side of your page. Scroll down to “Accounts & Settings” and then click on “Controls
Turn on/off your activity broadcasts.” Return and turn back “on” after you have finished.
2. Update your contact information. How: Click on “Edit Your Profile”, and view both your URL and your contact information. Change your page link to include your name, not a long number (example: www.linkedin.com/in/kleinkaren/). Click on “Edit contact information”. Check your contact information to be sure it is current, including phone numbers and websites. You can edit the website to change the name if you choose.
3. Be sure you have a photo and a background picture. The simplest way is to upload from your own photo library. People are hesitant to hire you or your services when they don’t know who you are. Don’t be anonymous!
4. Review your title under your name. Is that how you want to represent yourself? Be certain your business category and geographic location are accurate.
5. Review what you have written for accuracy. Do not misrepresent yourself.
Linked-In is the professional network. Be professional!